What is the name of your band/group/act?*

What is your contact info?

Your name*
Your phone*
e.g. 555-123-1234
Your email*

Pre-arranged Host

Are you planning to perform at a specific porch? It could be your own, or someone else's porch. If so, fill out this section, otherwise, we will pair you with a porch and inform you where you will perform just prior to the festivities!

Prearranged Address
If you've already arranged to perform at a specific porch location, please write the address here. (The porch host will have to signup separately, otherwise we will assign you to a signed up porch.)

Available Performance Times

When are you available on Sep 28th?

Preferred performance length?
Any preference on how long you will play?
Can you play on the rain date, Sep 29th? (The following day)*

Performance Info

How many people are in your group?*
Will you need access to electricity?*
Any other special needs for your band?


What style of music do you play?*
Other music style name
(or 2 words about performance type/style)
Does your performance contain explicit content?*

Online presence

Please provide a short blurb about your group/act - just 2-3 sentences will be plenty

band photo

band photo
drag and drop an image in the square (or click to choose file) - if an X appears, image may be too large
* Required